Shortly after noon on June 15, 1939, George Stegner had obtained a permit from the police to carry a pearl-handled .38-caliber revolver. ... Asked by a police lieutenant if he had a criminal record, the ex-bootlegger replied, "No, I haven't any criminal record - yet."
He returned to the Heron Hotel on East Second Street South, {Salt Lake City, Utah} where he had been renting a room since March 1. A few minutes later Dorothy LeRoy entered the lobby from a shopping trip. Stegner leaped up and began shouting at her. ... LeRoy hit Stegner in the face with her pocketbook and fled down the corridor. She opened and then quickly slammed the {her room's} door in Stegner's face at the rear of the hotel. She braced her back against the door. Stegner fired twice through the closed door, striking LeRoy in the back. One of the bullets pierced her heart. Stegner then shot himself in the temple. George Stegner was buried two days later in an unmarked grave in the city cemetary. - Philip L. Fradkin, Wallace Stegner and the American West |